July 8, 2013

Ultimate Dreadball sighting...

They posted a pic of the Ultimate (6 player) Dreadball pitch over on the Mantic site.  They took as they were playtesting the rules.  Looks like a blast!

Also Jake posted the Beta rules for the Teratons on his site.  They look interesting....That you can't slam them in the back is a pretty handy ability.

Also Beta rules for the Nameless...

Beta rules for Asterians...

Finally Beta Zee rules...

Finally a pretty sweet Excel sheet that can track a team...

July 3, 2013

Summer got in the way of our League....

I know it has been a while.  We have been having a hard time getting the group together for one last go of it for Season 1.  Season 2 minis are in house and have yet to be passed out.  Fear not the Maine Dreadball league is not dead...just in Limbo.

To pass the time I saw this post over on the Dreadball group on Facebook.  Too good not to share...some commercial director has apparently seen the game of Dreadball...